The "Login Management" plugin provides an overview of all active users, their last login and the number of logins. Furthermore, an expiration date can be set for users, who are not provisioned by an identity provider (e.g. AD, SCIM) and who are not protected. The table can also be exported as excel, pdf or csv.
The task will deactivate the above specified users in two cases:
In addition, the user will be informed by email a configurable number of days before the deactivation date.
If configured, the task also sets an expiration date for the password after a configurable number of days for unprovisioned and unprotected users.
With a large number of users, performance can be significantly increased by creating an index on the stats table. Otherwise, it may take several minutes for the view to open.
create index ix_ims_stats_user_id_event_type
on ims_stats (ims_user_id, ims_event_type);
Before installation of the extension, it is necessary to create the view login_management manually by executing the following command on your CELUM database.
If you update to a 6.13 version or above, you have to delete old view and create it new, because of changes in the columns.
CREATE VIEW login_management AS
SELECT u.ims_id, u.ims_firstname, u.ims_lastname, u.ims_name, u.ims_email, u.ims_kind, u.ims_created,
MAX(s.ims_time) last_login,
COUNT(case when s.ims_event_type = 1 then 1 else null end) logins,
DATEDIFF(d, MAX(s.ims_time), GETDATE()) daysLastLogin,
upv.value As 'uiLocale'
FROM ims_authorizable u
LEFT JOIN ims_stats s
ON s.ims_user_id = u.ims_id AND s.ims_event_type = 1
LEFT JOIN ims_userprofile up
ON u.ims_id = up.ims_userid
LEFT JOIN ims_userprofilevalue upv
ON up.ims_id = upv.ims_id AND = 'uiLocale'
WHERE u.ims_discriminator = 'usr' AND u.ims_deactivated = 0 AND u.ims_authenticator_name != 'api'
GROUP BY u.ims_id, u.ims_firstname, u.ims_lastname, u.ims_name, u.ims_email, u.ims_kind, u.ims_created, u.ims_authenticator_name, u.ims_expiration_date, u.ims_password_expiration_date, upv.value
CREATE VIEW login_management AS
SELECT u.ims_id, u.ims_firstname, u.ims_lastname, u.ims_name, u.ims_email, u.ims_kind, u.ims_created,
(TO_DAYS(CURDATE()) - TO_DAYS(u.ims_created)) daysCreated,
MAX(s.ims_time) last_login,
COUNT(case when s.ims_event_type = 1 then 1 else null end) logins,
(TO_DAYS(CURDATE()) - TO_DAYS(MAX(s.ims_time))) daysLastLogin,
upv.value As 'uiLocale'
FROM ims_authorizable u
LEFT JOIN ims_stats s
ON s.ims_user_id = u.ims_id AND s.ims_event_type = 1
LEFT JOIN ims_userprofile up
ON u.ims_id = up.ims_userid
LEFT JOIN ims_userprofilevalue upv
ON up.ims_id = upv.ims_id AND = 'uiLocale'
WHERE u.ims_discriminator = 'usr' AND u.ims_deactivated = 0 AND u.ims_authenticator_name != 'api'
GROUP BY u.ims_id
CREATE VIEW login_management AS
SELECT u.ims_id, u.ims_firstname, u.ims_lastname, u.ims_name, u.ims_email, u.ims_kind, u.ims_created,
(trunc(sysdate) - trunc(u.ims_created)) daysCreated,
MAX(s.ims_time) last_login,
COUNT(case when s.ims_event_type = 1 then 1 else null end) logins,
(trunc(sysdate) - trunc(max(s.ims_time))) daysLastLogin,
TO_CHAR(upv.value) AS uiLocale
FROM ims_authorizable u
LEFT OUTER JOIN ims_stats s
ON s.ims_user_id = u.ims_id AND s.ims_event_type = 1
LEFT OUTER JOIN ims_userprofile up
ON u.ims_id = up.ims_userid
LEFT OUTER JOIN ims_userprofilevalue upv
ON up.ims_id = upv.ims_id AND = 'uiLocale'
WHERE u.ims_discriminator = 'usr' AND u.ims_deactivated = 0 AND u.ims_authenticator_name != 'api'
GROUP BY u.ims_id, u.ims_firstname, u.ims_lastname, u.ims_name, u.ims_email, u.ims_kind, u.ims_created, u.ims_authenticator_name, u.ims_expiration_date, u.ims_password_expiration_date, TO_CHAR(upv.value)
To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/
type: String, required: yes, default: -
License key (delivered by brix Solutions AG)
type: List of long (comma-separated), required: no, default: -
Restrict the use of the plugin to this user group IDs (superadmins always see it in any case).
type: long, required: no, default: 0
Defines how many days since the last login/creation date the user account will be deactivated. If not defined, nothing happens.
Super Administrators (including the API-User) will never be deactivated
type: long, required: no, default: 0
Defines how many days before the deactivation the user should receive a reminder mail. If not defined, nothing happens.
type: time (seconds minutes hours days months years, separated with "space"), required: no, default:
0 0 1 * * ?
(each night at 01:00)
When and how often the task is running.
type: list of UserIds (comma-separated), required: no, default: -, since: 1.1
Protected users are never deactivated, regardless of the settings above. Useful for technical users. Note that superadmins are never deactivated, so those don't need to be listed here.
type: boolean, required: no, default: false
Defines if a password expiration date should be set for unprovisioned users.
type: list of UserIds (comma-separated), required: no, default: -, since: 1.3
Password of protected user never expires. Useful for technical users. Note that superadmins' password never expires, so those don't need to be listed here.
type: long, required: no, default: 30
Defines after how many days the password should expire.
type: long, required: no, default: 0, since: 1.3.7
Defines after how many days since the deactivation date the user account should be deleted. If not defined, nothing happens.
type: list of UserIds (comma-separated), required: no, default: -, since: 1.3.7
Protected users are never deleted, regardless of the settings above.
Login Management | CELUM (min. version) |
1.0.0 | 6.4 (tested up to 6.8) |
1.1 | 6.4 (tested up to 6.8) |
1.2 | 6.4 (tested up to 6.8) |
1.3 | 6.4 (tested up to 6.11) |
1.3.0-6.4.0 | 6.4 (tested up to 6.12) |
1.3.1 | 6.13 (tested with 6.13) |
1.3.7-6.4.0 | 6.4 (tested with 6.12) |
1.3.7-6.13.0 | 6.13 (tested with 6.14) |
Nova Plugin | CELUM (min. version) | Backend Plugin (min. version) |
1.0.4-6.14.0 | 6.14.0 | 1.3.7 |
Release: 2021-01-22
Initial Version
Release: 2021-06-29
Added protectedUsers
Release: 2021-07-26
Release: 2022-03-16
Released 2022-08-16
Added support for CELUM 6.13
Released 2023-03-14
© brix Solutions AG