Workfront Document Webhook implements all the methods of the Document Webhook API in CELUM. So folders and documents can be accessed in Workfront as if they were stored locally.
type: string, required: yes, default: -
The license provided by brix.
type: string, required: yes, default: -
The document webhooks API key. This is the API key used when registering a webhook (Setup > Documents > Custom Integrations). The Base App URL is the CELUM URL followed by /documentWebhooksAPI. E.g.
type: string, required: yes, default: -
The workfront API URL, something like https://*
type: string, required: yes, default: -
The Workfront API key. Log in to workfront with the user you want to generate the key with. Then go to Setup > System > Customer Info. There you can generate this API key.
type: string, required: no, default: CELUMasset
The prefix to use for the external IDs in Workfront. Has to be different from the node prefix.
type: string, required: no, default: CELUMnode
The prefix to use for the external IDs in Workfront. Has to be different from the asset prefix.
type: list of node ids, required: no, default: -
The list of nodes displayed in Workfront as root nodes (all the children will be accessible too).
type: list of node type ids, required: no, default: -
Instead of a list of nodes we can specify a list of node types. All the nodes with those node types will be displayed in Workfront.
type: search expression, required: yes, default: -
Defines which assets can be seen in Workfront using a search expression.
type: user ID, required: no, default: API user
The user ID with which all actions are performed.
type: string, required: no, default: -
The username in Workfront can be mapped to a user in CELUM. There are two options username
or email
. If the user can be mapped, then the action is executed with that user.
type: boolean, required: no, default: true
If there is a mapping defined and this property is set to true, then the documentWebhooksAPI.userID property will be used as fallback if the user cannot be mapped. If it is set to false then an error will occur.
type: string, required: yes, default: -
Where to store files temporarily. They will be deleted as soon as they are not needed any more and every restart of the app server the directory is cleaned.
Workfront Documents Webhook | CELUM (min. version) |
1.0 | 6.4 |
Released 2021-10-21
Initial Version
© brix Solutions AG