Search util

Allows to search in CELUM with a specified syntax similar to the Anura API search syntax.
Search Syntax
- node (long[]) - node IDs to restrict the search to, e.g. node=123&node=987
- folder (int) - celum ID of the folder to restrict the search to, DEPRECATED -> use node
- keyword (int[]) - celum ID of the keyword to restrict the search to, multiple keywords (AND search) may be specified using search_keyword=1&search_keyword=2, DEPRECATED node
- node_startswith (string) - nodes that starts with term to restrict the search, e.g. node_startswith=bla
- node_contains (string) - nodes that contains term to restrict the search, e.g. node_contains=blub
- node_type (long) - node type IDs (e.g. 105,106)
- node_recursive (boolean) - search in subnodes as well, default is true
- noderef (boolean) - search in noderefs as well, default is true
- node_or_mode (boolean) - connect different search node terms with OR, default is AND
- images (boolean) - show images in result
- documents (boolean) - show documents in result
- videos (boolean) - show videos in result
- audios (boolean) - show audios in result
- others (boolean) - show others in result
- asset_type (long) - asset type IDs (e.g. 3000,4000)
- extensions (string[]) - search by file extension, e.g. search_extensions=png,eps
- id (list of long) - search particular assets via their ID
- uploaded_before (string) - restrict results to assets uploaded before this date
- uploaded_after (string) - restrict results to assets uploaded after this date
- modified_before (string) - restrict results to assets modified before this date
- modified_after (string) - restrict results to assets modified after this date
- infofield (int,mixed...[]) - search by information field value, syntax: ,[,...], Examples:
- text:
searches for the term "searchterm" in the infofield 123
- number:
searches for the number "42" in the infofield 123
- number range:
searches for numbers between 42 and 1337 in the infofield 123
- dropdown:
searches for dropdown item #2 in the infofield 123
- boolean:
searches for "false" values in the infofield 123
- noderefs:
searches for nodes 456 or 789 in the infofield 123
- date:
_searches for the first of January 1970 in the infofield 123
- various date formats are auto-detected, such as
, dd.MM.yyyy
or MM/dd/yyyy
- jchronic-expressions such as "yesterday" are also supported (doc of the original ruby lib))
- date range:
_searches for any day in 2019 in the infofield 123
- open ranges can be defined using the term "null", e.g. anything before 2020
- or_mode (boolean) - connect different search terms with OR, default is AND
- facets (int) - return facets (if a facet-provider is installed), 0 = disabled (default), 1 = only facets, 2 = facets and assets
Release Notes
Released 2020-01-22
Initial version.
© brix Solutions AG