This plugin sends notification E-Mails about expiring assets.
More specifically, it searches for assets which fulfill a certain date-based condition and then determines a list of notification recipients for each asset found.
The primary use case is to send warnings about expiring usage rights to users who downloaded the expiring asset in the past.
To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/
You can define several expiration notifiers by incrementing the counter after expirationNotifier:
In the following documentation, 1 will be used as an example.
To apply a property to all notifiers, simply use default instead of the number, e.g.
. Numbered properties will still override the default value if defined.
type: String, required: yes, default: -
license key (delivered by brix Solutions AG)
type: int, required: yes
How many days before reaching the expiration date should the notification be sent?
type: int, required: no
Shifts the date range m days into the past
Instead of all assets which will in expire in the next n days from now, all assets which will have been expired for m days in the next n days are selected (where n is warnAheadPeriodInDays and m is negativeTimeOffsetInDays).
This can be used to send notifications for assets which have been expired for a certain amount of days or even delete them in combination with the deleteExpiringAssets flag.
type: list of bean names, required: yes
A comma-separated list of bean names of type ExpiringAssetsFinder
By default, the following asset finder beans are available:
You can also define your own custom asset finder by implementing the ExpiringAssetsFinder
public interface ExpiringAssetsFinder {
Iterable<ExpiringAsset> getExpiringAssets(Date fromDate, Date toDate);
type: long, required: yes (if dateInfofieldExpiringAssetsFinder is used)
The ID of the Date information field to use for dateInfofieldExpiringAssetsFinder.
type: list of bean names, required: yes, default: -
A comma-separated list of bean names of type NotificationRecipientFinder
Each NotificationRecipientFinder
returns a set of notification recipients for each asset.
By default, the following recipient finder beans are available:
staticNotificationRecipientFinder - Uses a static list of E-mail addresses, regardless of their involvement.
This is useful if you always want someone to know, regardless if they've downloaded the asset or not.
See [staticNotificationRecipientFinder.staticEmails](#expiration-notifier-1-static...).
globalStorageNotificationRecipientFinder - Tries to fetch a set of E-mail addresses from the Global Data Storage using the configured storage key
and the expiring asset as reference. See [globalStorageNotificationRecipientFinder.globalStorageKey](#expiration-notifier-1-global...).
staticUsersNotificationRecipientFinder - Uses static lists of CELUM users and / or user groups to notify.
See [staticUsersNotificationRecipientFinder.userIds](#expiration-notifier-1-static...-1)
and [staticUsersNotificationRecipientFinder.userGroupIds](#expiration-notifier-1-static...-2).
infoFieldNotificationRecipientFinder - Retrieves a set of E-mail addresses from one or multiple information fields on the asset.
See [infoFieldNotificationRecipientFinder.informationFieldIds](#expiration-notifier-1-info...).
nameMatchNotificationRecipientFinder - Retrieves a set of names from one or multiple information fields on the asset.
Each name is then matched against the registered users to find the corresponding E-Mail address.
See [nameMatchNotificationRecipientFinder.informationFieldIds](#expiration-notifier-1-name...).
uploaderNotificationRecipientFinder - Returns the E-mail addresses of the uploader of the active version and / or of the original creator of the asset.
See [uploaderNotificationRecipientFinder.notifyActiveVersionUploader](#expiration-notifier-1-uploader...)
and [uploaderNotificationRecipientFinder.notifyOriginalAssetCreator](#expiration-notifier-1-uploader...-1).
You can also define your own custom recipient finder by implementing the NotificationRecipientFinder
public interface NotificationRecipientFinder {
Set<Recipient> findRecipientsForExpiredAsset(AssetId assetId);
type: string, required: if globalStorageNotificationRecipientFinder is used
The Global Storage Key to use in globalStorageNotificationRecipientFinder.
Known values:
type: list of strings (comma-separated), required: if staticNotificationRecipientFinder is used
Static list of e-mail addresses to notify, regardless of their involvement, e.g. application owner or the marketing department. The E-Mail format with display name (Max Muster is supported.
type: list of IDs (comma-separated), required: no
A list of IDs of CELUM users to notify.
type: list of IDs (comma-separated), required: no
A list of IDs of CELUM user groups to notify. Users will be determined recursively.
type: list of IDs (comma-separated), required: yes
A list of IDs of asset information fields containing E-mail addresses. The E-Mail format with display name (Max Muster is supported.
type: list of IDs (comma-separated), required: yes
A list of IDs of asset information fields containing names. Each name is matched against the registered users to find the corresponding E-Mail address.
type: boolean, default: true
Whether to notify the uploader of the currently active version of the asset.
type: boolean, default: false
Whether to notify the original creator of the asset.
type: string, required: no, default: expirationNotifier.mail.subject
The Spring message key to use to generate the mail subject.
It is possible to use placeholders in the form $[propertyName]
in your localized message.
These will automatically be replaced with the corresponding configuration value,
e.g. $[warnAheadPeriodInDays]
will be replaced with the number value configured for the current notifier.
type: string, required: no, default: ch.brix.expirationNotifier.default
The path to the velocity mail template, so you can customize them via home/appserver/velocity
The default ch.brix.expirationNotifier.default_en.vm
looks like this:
#* @vtlvariable name="warnAheadPeriodInDays" type="int" *#
#* @vtlvariable name="recipient" type="ch.brix.expirationNotifier.model.Recipient" *#
#* @vtlvariable name="expiringAssets" type="java.util.List<ch.brix.expirationNotifier.model.ExpiringAsset>" *#
#* @vtlvariable name="dateTimeFormatter" type="java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter" *#
#* @vtlvariable name="locale" type="java.util.Locale" *#
#* @vtlvariable name="applicationBaseUrl" type="java.lang.String" *#
#* @vtlvariable name="applicationName" type="java.lang.String" *#
<p class="intro">The following assets will expire in the next $!warnAheadPeriodInDays days:</p>
<ul class="expiringAssets">
#foreach($expiringAsset in $expiringAssets)
<li>Asset "$!expiringAsset.assetName" (ID: $!expiringAsset.assetId) -
Expires $dateTimeFormatter.format($expiringAsset.expirationDate.toInstant())<br/>
<a href="${applicationBaseUrl}/main/${expiringAsset.assetId}">Show in ${applicationName}</a>
<p class="product-info">
<p class="no-reply">Note: This notification email has been generated automatically, please do not reply.</p>
type: boolean, required: no, default: false
Whether to delete all assets matched by the configured assetFinders. Use with caution!
type: boolean, required: no, default: true
If enabled recipient addresses are submitted in RFC 822 format: "Jane Doe"
type: string, required: no, since: 1.11.0
An optional asset filter expression for this notifier configuration. See Search Util 2 for syntax.
Basic example:
Advanced example with multiple finders:
expirationNotifier | CELUM (min. version) |
1.0-5.12.4 to 1.5.0-5.12.4 | 5.12.4 |
1.6.1-5.13.3 | 5.13.3 |
1.6.2-5.13.4 | 5.13.4 |
1.9.0-6.8 | 6.8.0 |
Released 2017-10-26
Released 2018-04-12
Released 2018-04-12
Released 2019-01-07
Released 2019-06-24
Released 2021-05-12
Released 2021-10-20
Released 2022-04-13
Released 2022-06-02
Released 2022-06-02
© brix Solutions AG