![None](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=UI&message=none&color=lightgrey) This extension provides two so-called "translators" for the video conversion processes * VideoOrImageDimensionExceptionTranslator - simply throws an exception when you try to download a video in a bigger resolution than is provided by the video file (as the download formats are not filtered based on resolution). * VideoDimensionCroppingTranslator - calculates how a video needs to be cropped when the aspect ratio of the source- and target-dimensions are different (e.g. 16:9 to 2:3). Note that this removes image material (either top & bottom or left & right, depending on which way you're going). This may be desirable for certain social media formats. [MINITOC] ## Properties To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/custom.properties ##### videoDimensionTranslator.license > type: String, **required: yes**, default: - The license key for the plugin (product: videoDimensionTranslator), provided by *brix*. ## Setup in {home}/appserver/spring/conversionProcessDefinitions.xml #### VideoOrImageDimensionExceptionTranslator Available for both video and image downloads, use this as the first bean in the `processList` ```xml ``` #### VideoDimensionCroppingTranslator In `DownloadVideo`, add an option for cropping in the `parameterList`: ```xml crop keepOriginal ``` Replace the existing `parseEmptyVideoSize` with this one: ```xml ``` Now you can set a video download format to use "crop" where desired (needs both width and height to be set). ## Compatibility Matrix | Video Dimension Translator | CELUM (min. version) | | ---------------- | ------ | | 1.0 - 1.2 | 6.8 | ## Release Notes #### 1.0 > Release: 2021-05-26 Initial Version #### 1.1 > Release: 2021-05-28 Added VideoDimensionCroppingTranslator #### 1.2 > Release: 2021-06-19 Include the video downscaling patch when not in crop-mode #### 1.3 > Released: 2021-08-02 Make the ExceptionTranslator available for images as well (breaking: now called VideoOrImageDimensionExceptionTranslator)